Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

It has been a busy, wonderful Christmas time this year.  In our church stake (a local group of about 1000 church members) we put together a Christmas Festival for the community.  We decorate the church, prepare a live nativity, and give a concert with a choir and orchestra.  Sarah and I were able to play clarinet and bassoon in the orchestra, and it was a marvelous experience.  The performances were attended by about 2000, which was nearly all of the seats that we had available. 

We had other opportunities to play Christmas music this year as well.  The recording below is of a piano/cello arrangement of "O Come Emmanuel" performed by my friend Scott Ripplinger on cello while I accompany him. 

I'm grateful for this time of year and the opportunities it brings to be with family, to give thanks for our blessings, and to remember our Savior who came long ago to give us the power to choose who we will become in this life and in the life to come.


  1. you play the piano ?!
    It was beautiful.

    1. Ha ha, yeah, I guess most of the stuff I post here is guitars or synthesizers. It's hard to keep the piano quiet while the kiddos are sleeping, which is when music time happens.

    2. You need a klavinova. We love ours, especially since you can just put headphones on to play it.

  2. Ouch! My run that ends at 2:07 did not end well...
